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In a widely-used application for software development and management, admins could effortlessly invite new users to join their organization. Secure access to applications is paramount. But what happens when a seemingly harmless feature introduces a critical security vulnerability? This blog dives into a real-world example from a popular software development and management application. We’ll explore how a flaw in the user invitation process exposed users to the risk of unauthorized password resets. et

Table of Contents:

  1. How the attack unfolds?
  2. Original Request
  3. Modified Request
  4. Remediation Steps.


Initially, the process seemed straightforward new users receive email invitations and had to confirm their email addresses to gain access


Alongside each invitation, recipients also received a default password in their email. While seemingly harmless. When users attempted to log in with this default password, they were immediately directed to a page prompting them to change their password.


Here, the user must set a new password before gaining access to their account and the organization.

Here’s how the attack unfolds:

When the admin invites a malicious user to the organization, an invitation email containing a default password is sent to the attacker’s email address.





The malicious user, utilizing tools like Burp Suite, captures the password reset request. They subsequently alter the request by changing the recipient email address from their own to the victim’s email address.

By sending the modified request, the password for “” can be changed.

This flaw was a result of weak access control and authentication methods. Due to the absence of strict verification steps, unauthorized password changes were possible. Consequently, several attacks became feasible:

· Malicious users could reset passwords for other users within the organization.

· Admins could reset any user’s password without confirming their identity.

· Admins could add users without obtaining their consent or verifying their email addresses.

This story underscores the imperative for enhanced security measures throughout software development. Remediation Steps: The scenario outlined in this blog exposes a critical security flaw: the ability for unauthorized password resets. Here are several remediation steps to prevent such vulnerabilities:

1. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide a second verification factor beyond just a password. This could be a one-time passcode sent via SMS, an authentication app notification, or a fingerprint scan.

Even if an attacker intercepts the default password, they wouldn’t be able to access the account without the additional verification factor.

2. Secure Password Reset Process:

Eliminate the practice of sending default passwords in email invitations. Instead, upon confirming their email address, users should be directed to a secure page to set a strong password of their choosing.

Employ robust password complexity requirements, enforcing a minimum password length and a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

3. Email Verification for Password Resets:

When a password reset request is initiated, send a verification email to the user’s registered email address. This email should contain a unique link that, upon clicking, allows the user to set a new password.

This extra verification step ensures that only the legitimate account holder can reset their password.

4. Admin Access Controls:

Implement stricter access controls for administrators. Admins should require MFA to perform sensitive actions such as inviting new users or resetting passwords.

Consider a two-step verification process for administrators, requiring confirmation from another authorized admin before resetting a user’s password.

5. Secure Coding Practices:

Developers should follow secure coding practices to prevent vulnerabilities in password reset functionalities. This includes proper input validation and sanitization to prevent malicious manipulation of reset requests.

6. Regular Penetration Testing:

Conduct regular penetration testing to identify and address security weaknesses in the application. Penetration testing simulates real-world attacks, helping to uncover potential vulnerabilities like the one described in this blog.

By implementing these remediation steps, developers and organizations can significantly improve the security of their password reset process and prevent unauthorized access to user accounts. Remember, robust security measures are crucial for building trust and protecting user data.

Contact ValueMentor today for a free consultation and learn how we can help you build a secure and resilient IT environment.
